Murdered by Merlot

Feast your eyes on the City of Delray Beach’s murder myster party: Murdered by Merlot

“Lead by not-so-humble Chef Jacques Schlock le Bloch as he touts the opening of his new restaurant, Escargot Mais Oui! Eatery here in beautiful Delray Beach. Does his trusted sommelier, Candy Coq Au Vin, have something to hide? Petula Pignoli, famous Italian songstress and purveyor of fine Italian wine, is also present…but she and party planner extraordinaire, Tiffany Tira-Misu, may have their own plans cooked up.

There are shenanigans galore, and it’s up to a local detective and the guests (you) to figure out who wants to stomp out the competition…permanently!” City of Delray Beach


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Amanda and Cassandra